Get the courage and the confidence you need to succeed at everything you want to do!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is Dr. Jackie qualified to coach me?
From neuroscience and cognition to primate behaviour, Dr. Prime knows how the mind works and how feelings and behaviours can influence people's self-perception and the way they live their lives.
Her academic training (incorporating anthropology, psychology, and neuroscience), along with over a decade of experience working with a wide variety of individuals from youth to adults has developed her keen insight and understanding into what people need to be happy, how to help people get along with others in any situation, and most importantly, how to guide people to realize and achieve their highest potential.
Check out some of her client testimonials here & see her full bio here.
What is an
Empowerment Coach?
An empowerment coach is an individual who can help you access your inner power and nurture your confidence to help you achieve your personal goals with energy and vigour. An empowerment coach has the skills to transform your mindset, supercharge your self-belief and transform your life to become the greatest version of who you are.
What does an
Empowerment Coach do?
Your coach’s first job is to help guide you back into a relaxed state, where you’re able to reveal the inner truths of what you’re thinking and feeling, including your internal beliefs, goals for the future, and what you feel may be holding you back.
Once she has helped you discover where blocks may be, work can begin on helping you overcome them. This process is not a quick or simple practice and will vary from participant to participant based on individual discoveries. Perhaps the focus will be on helping you overcome a fear or understand your self-worth or discover your potential or prevent others from limiting you. Maybe it will be something specific that you’re going through or thinking about. Perhaps it will be figuring out what's underneath the surface of general feelings of being stuck or overwhelmed. Though personal development and growth can, at times, be an emotionally uncomfortable experience, committing to the process can result in powerful shifts to your self-belief and the overall quality of your life.
A great coach, like Dr. Jackie, will be able to figure out what you need to feel more fulfilled and empowered and support you through the process.
What is an Empowerment Coaching Group Session?
Empowerment Coaching Group Sessions are powerful opportunities for participants to experience guidance from Dr. Jackie and connect with other like-minded individuals through listening, learning, and sharing experiences.
Where does the money from the ticket fee go?
As with all our Power Seekers events and activities, these Group Coaching events are fundraisers that support our mission to create a more compassionate world.
Your contribution goes towards our education programs, humanitarian work, and conservation initiatives to nurture and elevate people's lives; connecting people to nature, restoring healthy ecosystems, preventing biodiversity loss, and improving the lives of the people, the wildlife and the environment in the countries where we work.
What are the benefits of Empowerment Coaching?
Conquer Your Fears: It takes courage to follow your heart and live your dream. Learning to recognize your bravery and focus on your unique talents and strengths with Dr. Jackie's help will fuel your personal power to succeed.
Find Your Passion: Building the life you wan can be challenging work, but Dr. Jackie is skilled at helping people find their talents and passions. As you dig deep to unlock the magic of your true authentic self, you'll develop the confidence with Jackie's support to live your best life.
Accountability: Accountability is a powerful tool for creating change when engaging in the coaching process. Dr. Jackie's help creating goals and guidance on taking action with purpose will build success into your life.
Unbiased Input: Friends and family can be great support but can also come with limits. Dr. Jackie's unbiased, judgement-free input as your coach will revolutionize your perspective, allowing you to transform and grow.
Can I come to an event to see what it's like before I ask a question?
Yes! But not every event has this option. Events that offer the option to join without asking a question will outline all participation options in their description, and allow you to select the ticket you want accordingly.
Is there a way to attend or connect with Jackie, if I can't afford the ticket price right now?
Definitely! Anyone interested in participating who may not be able to cover the costs at this time can contact us directly at info@prime-earth.org to learn more about our Sponsors and Scholarships opportunities.
Or check out our one-on-one Empowerment Coaching packages with Dr. Jackie to sign up for a free 30 minute Trial Run here.
What should I expect from Jackie as my coach?
Expect your coach to:
Listen: Dr. Jackie will listen for many things such as what motivates, energizes, and excites you, what beliefs you hold about yourself and others, and tuning in to what's happening with your self-talk. She'll be listening for evidence of emotional pain that blocks action, self-doubt, and personal growth to help change those limiting beliefs.
Ask Questions: Dr. Jackie will ask questions to help understand your mindset and shift your perspective. Sometimes she'll ask tough questions that may be difficult to answer or uncomfortable to address. But remember: the more you allow yourselves to be honest, to be challenged and stretched, the more progress will be made. In the group setting, these questions will be mediated to maintain your comfort in the group setting, to dig deeper we recommend one-on-one sessions with more privacy.
Have Integrity: Dr. Jackie will abide by our Codes of Ethics in all her coaching sessions whether private or in group sessions.
Tell the Truth: Dr. Jackie will tell the truth 100% of the time from a viewpoint of compassion. Truth is sometimes uncomfortable and hard to hear, but essential to growth and transformation.
Facilitate Forward Action: Dr. Jackie does not provide counseling or therapy. Instead, in her role as a coach she makes requests, offers suggestions, advice, and opinions that may be helpful in facilitating ongoing forward momentum to shift your perspective and help you grow.
Strengthen and Inspire: Dr. Jackie will cheer you on, celebrate your achievements and support you through the struggles, helping you to see your personal strengths and skills, overcome self-doubt, and motivate you to emotionally transform your life.
Develop Self-trust: Dr. Jackie specializes in helping you believe in yourself and developing a personal sense of self-trust and dependability. By developing more confidence, you'll feel stronger and more self-reliant. Becoming dependent on your Coach is not the purpose of coaching. The purpose is gain confidence and learn to depend on yourself with inner strength and integrity.
What are my responsibilities as a participant?
Your responsibilities as a participant are to:
Be Honest and Respectful: It is expected that you treat all participants and your Coach with respect and be honest with yourself and your Coach 100% of the time. Dr. Jackie wants to hear everything you wish to express as long as you’re respectful and courteous of all other participants.
Be On Time: Being respectful also means showing up on time to sessions. With limited time for discussions, it's imperative we always start on time to maximize everyone's time with Jackie.
Listen Courteously and Stay on Track: In group sessions, participants will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Jackie questions and engage in a direct discussion. It’s important to remember during your discussion with Jackie that time is limited. To ensure everyone has a chance to talk with her, everyone must be courteous when engaging in group or personal discussion and while listening to other's questions and discussions. Session hosts and Dr. Jackie will do their best to stay on time, so please refrain from interrupting or continuing beyond your moment when it’s time to switch between participants.
Be Realistic: Some coaching sessions will have amazing moments of revelation, some will provoke new ideas and creative action, and some will simply be times where neither of these apply for you, but all are part of the overall process of transformation. Be okay with that. Be open to the process and take all you can from your discussions with Dr. Jackie and from listening to others in similar situations to yourself. And remember, Dr. Jackie does not have all the answers, but she can help shift your perspective with powerful questions and support you as you search for answers and work on transformation together.
Follow Through: It’s vital that you apply yourself to the coaching process to be successful. Though group coaching sessions provide a very broad scope of discussion with Dr. Jackie and peers, follow up journaling and self-reflection afterwards will promote real personal growth helping you to review and further consider what you’ve gained from your time with Jackie.
Ready to get started?
It starts with
Invest in you and build a brighter future for others too!
When you take the steps with us to create the life you want most, you're not just improving life for yourself. You're investing in creating a more compassionate world for everyone.
Your contribution to Prime Earth goes towards our education programs, humanitarian work, and conservation initiatives to nurture and elevate people's lives; connecting people to nature, restoring healthy ecosystems, preventing biodiversity loss, and improving the lives of the people, the wildlife and the environment in the countries where we work.
Helping you, help yourself & others.
Because we believe in lifting people up. Everywhere.